Key Holder


Screen shot 2013-02-06 at 10.07.50 PM      I have always had a problem with losing my keys five minutes before I have to leave to go somewhere. Most of the time, this happens because I have them in my hand, get side tracked, and put them in some absurd spot without thinking about it. Other times, I just lose track of where I had them last. I have been given the advice many times to find ONE place to put them. I saw this pin and was inspired to finally make one!

      I stopped at Salvation Army in order to try and find an old frame that I could spray paint. I found one that I liked, was getting ready to leave,



I saw this!












      Half of a mancala board!:) Only kidding, I have no idea what this used to be… but it just so happens that it is a perfect fit for my iPhone AND keys (see above). Next, I went to Menards and asked someone how to make a shelf out of it. I ended up only needing 2 shelf brackets (7″) and 1 small box of sheet metal screws (1/2″). I spent most of my time looking at spray paint. Once I decided what color I wanted, I went to Michaels and bought a stencil and some painter’s tape. It did not take long to make. The only problem I came across was that the spray paint seeped underneath the stencil in some spots. Despite this, I am happy with the way it turned out. Here it is!



3 thoughts on “Key Holder

  1. That is so cute and great idea! I’ve had my share of key troubles as well. One time I locked my keys in the car while picking up some food. Luckily my grandpa just happened to be at the same place so he gave me a ride home to get the spare key. Later that day after getting groceries out of my car I couldn’t find my keys. I thought that I had locked them in the trunk so I called my dad who had the spare key at the moment and he brought it home to me. I opened up the trunk and my keys weren’t there and I started to panic. Then I went into my room and just happened to notice my keys hanging from the key hook. I had no memory at all of hanging them there.

    • Thank you for the comments!It makes me feel better that someone else has trouble keeping track of their keys!:) Your story is funny, my heart drops sometimes when I shut my trunk and can’t find my keys right away. I don’t understand why some cars don’t have a way to open the trunk from the outside!

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